Click Here for a List of ALL Upcoming Alabama Gun Shows
Dates: | Oct 14-15, 2023 |
City/State: | Scottsboro, AL |
Hours: | Saturday: 9am - 5pm Sunday: 10am - 4pm |
Admission: | General: $8.00 $5 admission for veterans |
Description: | The next Scottsboro Alabama Gun Show will be Oct 14-15, 2023. This show is held at the VFW Fairgrounds and hosted by A.G. Gun Shows. All federal, state, and local firearm ordinances and laws must be obeyed. |
Promoter: | AG Gun Shows (423) 664-2715 |
Location: | VFW Fairgrounds 220 Cecil Street Scottsboro, AL 35768 Google Map |
Vendor Information: | 150 Tables Tables $50.00/each Free Electricity. |
Dealer Setup: | Friday Noon - 7pm Saturday 7am - 9am |
Click Here for a List of ALL Upcoming Alabama Gun Shows