Click Here for a List of ALL Upcoming Alabama Gun Shows
Dates: | Nov 18-19, 2023 |
City/State: | Bessemer, AL |
Hours: | Saturday: 9am - 5pm Sunday: 10am - 4pm |
Admission: | General: $9.00 Children 6-11: $2.00 Children Under 6: Free |
Description: | The next Bessemer Alabama Show will be Nov 18-19, 2023. This Birmingham, AL area gun show is held at the Bessemer Civic Center and hosted by Great Southern Gun & Knife Shows. Additional scheduled dates: TBD All federal, state and local firearm ordinances and laws must be obeyed. No loose ammo. No alcoholic beverages in the show. All guns, including personal guns, must be unloaded while in the building. Tie-downs are required on all guns. |
Promoter: | Great Southern Gun & Knife Shows (865) 671-4757 |
Location: | Bessemer Civic Center 1130 9th Avenue SW Bessemer, AL 35022 |
Map | Google Map |
Vendor Information: | 400 Tables $80.00 per 8ft Spaces Spaces Not Paid In Full Will Be Released At 8:30am Saturday; Deduct $5 Per Space If Paid 2 Weeks In Advance |
Dealer Setup: | Friday 1:00pm - 7:00pm Saturday 7:30am - 9:00am |
Previous Dates: |
Click Here for a List of ALL Upcoming Alabama Gun Shows

Bessemer, AL Gun Show
Bessemer Civic Center
Great Southern Gun & Knife Shows